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Part of ensuring animal health and safety is making the public aware of how they can better care for their pets or for found animals.  PAWcasso Las Vegas participates in events throughout the year where our aim is to reach out to the public about animal health and safety. By using up to date statistics and information, we hand out fliers, one sheets, and other materials that can assist people and their pets.  

One of our favorite events is Dia de Muertos at the Springs Preserve, a cultural event that focuses on the departed and what they loved to do when they were living.  We saw this event as a perfect time to talk about the pets we have loved and lost through the years.  We also used the event as a means of reaching out to over four thousand attendees about our mission, the needs of local animal rescues, and animal welfare.  We received  such a positive resonse, that we plan to do it again.

© 2015 PAWcassoLV

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